Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Battling hijabs and videos!

Oh boy! I've been fighting this morning - I mean REALLY fighting. I'm obsessed with hijab tutorials, I think I must have watched just about all of them on You tube. The thing that really miffs me though, is the fact that all the girls making them, are slim, young and beautiful, infact - perfect! Unfortunately, some people (like me) are a little less than perfect - I'm not a hippy just because I like flowers and saying "peace maaaaan" (not that I DON'T like flowers and wishing peace on everyone!) but I'm also majorly chaotic in my life - my house is a minimalist's nightmare, and housework gets put aside for any projects that just so happen to pop into my mind at that moment! What I'm trying to say is - I'm FAR from the perfect world that these women come from - I haven't time, inclination or patience to put makeup on, I don't actually wear a scarf, but I'd love to (hence my obsession) but I get so frustrated, I sit and watch, and try to learn, trying desperately to "get the look" -  fighting madly with bits of cloth that should be sitting in neat little folds on my head, but just end up in a crumpled mess on my shoulders, vaguely covering my hairline!
It's not that I've got anything against these beautiful women, far from it - I TOTALLY admire them, love them but, I'm so far removed from the ideal, that I made the mistake of complaining to a friend on facebook! She said, "why not do your own video?" BLAST! WHY did she have to say that?! I took it as an INSTANT challenge, and threw down the duster (didn't have a handy gauntlet, and I was SUPPOSED to be doing the housework!)
I did the video - I'm dowloading onto facebook as I type, can't hear  me, and my "banter" is what I'm famous for, so it's really not up to much, but I met the challenge with a smile, (and a grimace as I poked pins into my scalp!) it's done! My very first video as a scatty, happy hippy housewife! I await the criticism (inshallah relatively constructive) on my face book page, I don't think I'm quite up to You Tube's standard yet.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Freddy - our hyperactive guest.

We have a new guest arriving (says my husband down the phone yesterday afternoon) It would appear that a client has been admitted to hospital and temporary (maybe permanent) homes need to be found for Freddie and Freddy. The home has accepted Freddie, but my husband dutifully arrived home stating Freddy was in a box in the back of the car. Darting out I came back gleefully carrying a box full of straw - Freddy was hiding inside!

Freddy is a "Herman" Tortoise, he's about 8 inches long and weighs a ton! He's wheezing a bit, so I shall have to take him to a professional to have a check over, I'm not entirely sure what to do with him - I was 4 when we had our last tortoises - Slow and Stop, who never actually moved, but somehow managed to escape onto the Bondo when no-one was looking. (I have since been back, but I failed to find two tortoises with white paint splodged on the shells) We placed Freddy in the base of the indoor guineapig cage and I raced out to buy greens and bits and pieces I "thought" a tortoise would need.

This morning I went into the kitchen to be met by an ultra lively tortoise trying to climb out of the base, so I decided he'd be ok on the kitchen floor. He stood stock still so I thought I was safe to leave the room for a minute! how wrong was I, I swear I was gone no more than a minute, but by the time I'd come back, he'd disappeared! I knew the dog couldn't have eaten him that quickly and, to be honest, I think Konka the Plonka would have come off worse had there been a mini contratong, so I couldn't for the life of me think where he'd gone! I mean.............tortoises just DON'T move that fast! do they?!

This one does, he's like greased lightening! he'd not only explored the entire kitchen but also the utility room the INSTANT my back was turned. I decided to take him to the dining room as I spend most of my time in that particular room. Again, he was off, sitting on my feet on minute, climbing the hoover the next, darting behind the sofa to beat a rhythm against the patio doors, back again to swing (in his entirety, all four feet off the ground) on the base cross bar of the dining room chairs! I haven't a clue how he did it, he must have been exhausted, there was  no stopping him UNTIL...........I found out that I have , what must be, the ONLY tortoise in the world that LIKES  a cuddle! I couldn't believe it, but the only time he actually rested, was when he was snuggled into my neck! I've never come across it before, bless him, he is SUCH a friendly little thing, I never thought I'd be sat on the settee stroking and petting a tortoise!

He's lively and full of fun and mischief, I look forward to my days with him. Inshallah all will be well, he's got a minor snuffle, I'm hoping it's nothing serious, inshallah tomorrow will tell, and I will have more of an idea on how to care for him, but for now, he's sleeping off his escapades of the day. I'm not really surprised, I'm exhausted watching him!


(PS. Freddie  - is a Budgerigar)



Most people in Lincoln think I'm a little bit potty - I USED to wander around town in "glitzy" pink scarfs arms linked with my youngest son who delighted in wearing a long black coat covered in safety pins. Don't even have to mention the long black hair. To top the image off, we'd be talking to each other with Cornish accents - haven't a clue why, it was my son's idea. So I guess it was no big surprise for people when I suddenly started anouncing my "Creaster" event. 

I very sadly prepped all the vegs. wrapped the presents and stuck them around a rather large vase of pseudo lillies, then moved the whole lot onto the dining room table. Alex came in and contributed with 6 crackers , strategically placed amongst the flowers, I threw in a handful of chocolate eggs, and the whole effect was complete.

We sat and twiddled our thumbs waiting for Tom and Helen to wake up and come in, which eventually they did - and promptly asked to be taken into town ! I headed straight for COSTA'S (I needed a slice of my much waited for lemon cake) No-one batted an eyelid when I asked for the ginger rabbit head as a "Creaster" gift for my husband. I didn't mean to walk into the chair and spill coffee everywhere, but once I had settled .........oh, the bliss of FINALLY tasting my favourite lemon cake.

I reckon we were in town about 3 hours in the end, and I think I did EXCEPTIONALLY well by buying only 3 lacy scarfs and two large material and lace flowers for my hair. I hid them from Neil (just in case though)

When we finally came home, we sat and looked at the presents, it took a short while for us to be settled to open them, it was lovely, just as I wanted it to be, just a pleasant time with family, a bit of a laugh and a bit of fun. Pulled crackers, read the stupid jokes and wore paper hats - anyone wandering past would have wondered but hey! it was FUN!

The serious business of cooking started, but we only had turkey crowns so it was much quicker and easier than cooking a proper Christmas meal. Stuffed and hatted, we ended up playing Scene it  - which for some very strange reason, Neil and I won.

A truly fantastic day was had by all, and something I truly hope and wish we could do again, just a family, celebrating being a family - what's more special than that? Creaster might become a very special time of our family's calendar.

I hope so. :)