Yesterday was incredible not because Neil, DaPlonka (Leila) and I went to the Hilton Hotel (junc 24 on the M1 - ok, so we got a bit lost and came off at Junc 24A and ended up in a quarry - but that's just another story) It wasn't special because Neil and I were being recognised for achieving our 10% in sales (still trying to figure that one out) well it was - I'm not trying to down play the importance of that achievement - a lot of hard work went into it - a LOT! But the thing that made it special for me was the incredible list of speakers, six in total - they were all excellent and incredibly inspiring (and I took notes from all of them on my phone until my alarm, rather embarrasingly, went off at 4.30pm and everyone thought I'd not listened to the "switch off your phone message" at the beginning! It was in FLIGHT MODE!!!honest! It WAS my alarm) anyway, two speakers stood out in my mind, two that I could relate to 100% they were Jennifer Synnott who started in Kleeneze at the beginning of 2015 working it part time around her Executive PA job ( we all know how time consuming PA jobs are!) Who is now Gold Executive!! In just what?! 18 months?! Jennifer took us through her story of redundancy and debt, she told us about ladies she'd got on board, mothers with 3 young children, a young lady who was homeless who is now debbt free and moving into a house of her own soon. Then came Gill Nicholson, now she really inspired me, Kleeneze has been part of her entire life because her father who was working as a fireman at the time - needed extra pennies, so he took up door to door selling (brushes as per Kleeneze beginings) he did ok, was happy but as always, circumstances change. At some point her father decided to work Full time at Kleeneze during a week's holiday, just as an experiment to see what the earning potential was, he made DOUBLE in 1 week what he was earning in 1 month as a fire fighter! No brainer, he ended up running his own Kleeneze business, making Gill a partner later on. Now Gill has literally travelled the world (which is what I find so inspiring) on her Kleeneze income. She's even found lost family members, it was such a beautiful and heart warming story.
I sat in awe, completely inspired thinking - I WISHED I could do that, but also thinking I could never aspire to that, I'll never make it that high. However, it's tomorrow now and the euphoria has worn off, I'm sat here in my lounge in my dressing gown and slippers drinking a cup of coffee and I'm thinking "why NOT me?!" Why can't I expect to be the same? Why is my story going to be any LESS inspirational some day? It's these little negatives that are the enemy - ALL the speakers went through hardship, debt, job loss, despair, negative thinking. At some point in time THEY sat where I was sitting, thinking what I was thinking - so WHY not me?? OF COURSE I'm going to get there and I'm dragging whoever wants to come for the ride with me because MY story, MY life, MY dreams are just as important, just as needed and just as inspirational as the next! Role on to the challenge! I'm up for it!
I sat in awe, completely inspired thinking - I WISHED I could do that, but also thinking I could never aspire to that, I'll never make it that high. However, it's tomorrow now and the euphoria has worn off, I'm sat here in my lounge in my dressing gown and slippers drinking a cup of coffee and I'm thinking "why NOT me?!" Why can't I expect to be the same? Why is my story going to be any LESS inspirational some day? It's these little negatives that are the enemy - ALL the speakers went through hardship, debt, job loss, despair, negative thinking. At some point in time THEY sat where I was sitting, thinking what I was thinking - so WHY not me?? OF COURSE I'm going to get there and I'm dragging whoever wants to come for the ride with me because MY story, MY life, MY dreams are just as important, just as needed and just as inspirational as the next! Role on to the challenge! I'm up for it!