Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Two women, two paths, one aim!

I was reading someone's comments on facebook the other day (yes, I'm a TOTAL fb addictee) the sister who's page I was reading and I have known each other for almost our entire time as muslims. She reverted 4.5 years ago, I reverted coming up to 4.  As I was reading, I was suddenly struck at the stark differences our lives have taken us, on our quest to find the deeper meaning of life.

I remember a young lady who was having quite a traumatic period in her life, when I first "met" her ( inverted comma's because I haven't actually had the delight of meeting her in person) she'd been through divorce, bringing up children on her own, marriage and yet another divorce. I heard about how she lived her life, her choices, her mistakes, her regrets, through hijab, niqab, removal of both and back again, her meeting gentlemen, her thoughts, and finally her marriage to (by all accounts) a total stranger - she did things the "muslim" way, it was shocking, moving and, alhamdulillah, she has turned her life around competely.

This young lady has become a beautiful person, she still has a lot of pain in her life,  it hasn't been an easy journey,  mainly through misunderstandings and refusal  to accept her life choices by her nearest and dearest, but, she IS a beautiful person, kind and caring, very thoughtful of other people's pain and suffering, she works hard to bring her children up islamically, and has developed such an understanding of Islam.

However, I, on the other hand, am older, my life choices have lead me down a different route - maybe rockier, maybe more convoluted (but what in my life ISN'T convoluted?!) I doubt any more or less difficult though, than the sister I've just spoken about. I remember at one point and time, her becoming quite exasperated with me, and us having quite a heated discussion over the fact that I was older than her and I "should know better" ooh! that hurt - however, we are all products of our upbringing and I learned early on that - to act the fool, and to laugh at yourself first, was an effective diversionary tactic when facing uncomfortable/painful situations.  This is my way of dealing with life, it may not be everyone's ideal, but it's MY way.

I have remained married to my non muslim husband - hoping above hope that he'd see the good in Islam, it hasn't happened, and life with all it's issues, has now stepped in and we are currently living separate lives. It is directly as a concequence of my nomadic, isloating lifestyle that I have "drifted" into Islam, my understanding of the day to day ethics of Islam is fine, but the more indepth stuff? well, to be honest, I haven't a clue, I can't quote from the Qur'an, or hadith, I don't understand "words", it's like a different language to me sometimes when I read what people have written - it takes me hours sometimes to trawl through someone's elaborate writing on FB, scrutinising every "foreign" word, then forgetting it almost instantly as I move further down the page. Yes, it's all very frustrating.

I don't wear hijab, I did once - but I realized (in one of my moments of clarity) that I was wearing it for all the wrong reasons, so I took it off - inshallah, when the time is right, I will wear it again (can't wait, I've hundreds of scarfs!) I'd love to have the knowedge this young lady has, I'd love to have the strength of character this young lady has - I have no doubt, if she reads this, she'll I'm talking about her, and I hope, she will realize that I have TOTAL respect for her, and admire her so completely.

May Allah reward her hard work in striving along the path towards him - I hope in some small way inshallah, that I will end up with some kind of reward for bumbling along behind her, tripping up over countless stones that pave the way.

Two women, two paths, one aim!

Friends and eggshells.

Don't you sometimes feel that, by trying to please your friends,  you're stepping on eggshells all the time? I've felt like that recently! I know it's impossible to keep everyone happy all of the time, I'm quite happy if I can keep some of my friend's happy most of the time - but I'm really begining to feel like I'm swimming through treacle on this one!

This week I've lost (at least) two supposed friends - one was a bloke who called himself  "Sheikh" , we'd only known each other a few weeks on facebook - to give him his due, he did say that he only kept friends on his list that were useful to him, so I guess I was surpless to requirements (mainly after he found out that my friends are married) It did upset me though that he just deleted me on a whim - we'd been chatting happily on the Saturday, but by Monday, I was on the trash heap! OUCH!

However, even MORE painfully, came a message from a dear friend of mine who I've known for years, we used to work together as nannies in Twickenham when we were in our early 20's, she finally contacted me and said that she felt she had no option but to delete me as a friend on her facebook account because of my religious standing- her comment was, " I have the Jehovah's witnesses on my front door, and you on my facebook, I never wanted to change, and if I did, I wouldn't be looking here, I do not feel the need, nor do I want to be influenced"  hmm,well, ok, but I HAD been ensuring the Islamic stuff only went to my muslim friends - however, Facebook, in all it's glory had managed to ensure that some of my "non muslim" friends had (metaphorically speaking)  fallen out  of my "non muslim" file - unfortunately, she was one. I apologised, and begged her to give me a chance, and prove to her that I could send messages and hide the islamic stuff.

Unfortunately, in the process of writing a note this evening - when it came to the privacy settings, I couldn't find her name, she has decided I'm not worth her friendship - ah well, perhaps people just grow too distant! Maybe she was under pressure her end, I mean, she still called me Ruth and I'm obviously muslim with my Islamic name being Amena - which of course is the one I use in Facebook, maybe she came under some wierd peer pressure  - who knows, it's just so sad to lose yet another friend because I chose to become Muslim.

It's so sad that people can't see beyond their noses, why do we all have to belong to different sections of society - I'm still a person, I'm a woman, a mother, I work, I cry, I feel pain, I bleed - really I'm no different to anyone else, I JUST call myself muslim, but for that - I (like many reverts) pay a heavy price.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

!!***!!! Passwords!

You know?! I've decided my life would be SO much easier without passwords. It seems to me that each and every time I log into something somwhere, I'm asked for a password - which I've inevetably forgotten! Ugh! It really does drive me potty, I must have about 20 + passwords BUZZING round my head! Non of them are useful at the time of my needing them!

Of course, it wouldn't be so bad if I could use the same one each time - but nooooooooo, I'm not allowed to re- use a password, AND it has to be X number of digits long, AND contain both numerical and alphabetical digits..... but no icons - so swearing with my exclamation marks is out then! (says she in a droll tone!)

I must have TONNES of pages of varying use floating around cyberspace - I'm constantly trying to set myself up with a decent blog - I have a personal one (this one now, but there are at least 4 others that I've lost in cyberspace somewhere) I have a professional one (or six) unfortunately, I can't seem to think of anything sensible or professional to write on any of those - so perhaps it's a good job I've lost all but one of them! I have several skype alias's, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, Badoo (don't quite know how I ended up on there, but I managed it !)  and as for facebook, well! an initial set up (many moons ago, that disappeared almost instantly) a "professional" one (again, never to be used, because I can't think professionally when I'm not working, and when I am working, I can't type on my computer! ) I have a non muslim page, and a muslim page, I have a "time out because I'm in a grotty mood and don't want to face the world but still want to play my games page"! They ALL want passwords, and they ALL have to be different!

It's SO frustrating having a mind like a sieve! Hmm............perhaps I should set up a password recollection page!